The Algebris Bullet Credit Global Credit
The Silver Bullet | Currency Wars: The Inflation Menace
I find your lack of inflation disturbing Darth Vader
17 August 2017
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I find your lack of inflation disturbing Darth Vader
17 August 2017
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Fantasy. Lunacy. All revolutions are, until they happen, then they are historical inevitabilities. ? David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
20 July 2017
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Stability leads to instability. The more stable things become and the longer things are stable, the more unstable they will...
15 June 2017
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The global reflation trend that started last year has hit a wall. Inflation expectations are falling back. Bond yields and...
22 May 2017
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As the fog of war dissolves after elections, the contours of a new political equilibrium are emerging across Europe.
4 May 2017
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The time has come, the Walrus said, To talk of many things: Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax...
31 March 2017
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Alice: How long is forever? White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second. Alice in Wonderland, by L. Carroll
23 March 2017
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Hey now, baby Get into my big black car Hey now, baby Get into my big black car I want...
8 March 2017
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Negotiations on Greek debt are once again about to take a tortuous turn. Today, the Eurogroup meets to decide on...
20 February 2017
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Europe is just uninvestable, a fund manager declares, while carving a slice of roast lamb over dinner in Mayfair. With...
6 February 2017
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"We are not in deflation. The macro projections show that inflation will indeed be negative for several months this year...
1 January 2017
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Always make the audience suffer as much as possible. Alfred Hitchcock
14 December 2016
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