December 5, 2018
October 31, 2018
Central bank series: The economics of populism
Alberto Gallo, Portfolio Manager for the Algebris Macro Credit Fund and Head of Macro Strategies at Algebris Investments, attended the...
Continua a leggereSeptember 11, 2018
Davide Serra with Sir Nicholas Clegg and Matteo Renzi launch the “Algebris Policy & Research Forum”, a new think tank contributing to the European debate
Davide Serra with Sir Nicholas Clegg and Matteo Renzi launch the "Algebris Policy & Research Forum" and issue its first...
Continua a leggereJuly 10, 2018
The Silver Bullet | A Slow Motion Re-pricing
At the beginning of 2018, we positioned more cautiously for markets caught between headwinds from the end of QE and...
Continua a leggereMay 1, 2018
The Silver Bullet | Have Central Banks Missed the Exit Train?
After a decade of monetary stimulus, central banks have pledged to exit loose monetary policy. Except for the Fed, their...
Continua a leggereMarch 28, 2018
The Silver Bullet | Is the World Running Out of Safe Havens?
The demand for certainty is one which is natural to man, but is nevertheless an intellectual vice. To endure...
Continua a leggereFebruary 27, 2018
The Silver Bullet | A Fragile System: The Return of Volatility
For some, the events of the past few weeks represent a standard correction, after which markets will return to normal....
Continua a leggereFebruary 1, 2018
The Silver Bullet | The Bond Bull Run: Is This It?
I used to think if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or...
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