Market Views

GLOBAL CREDIT BULLETS | Monday, 14 October 2024

US inflation came in at the high end of expectations last week, as core inflation rose 0.31% MoM, against expectations of around 0.25%. Moreover, a look at the upcoming US Elections, and support for local governments in China.

US Economics – Stronger CPI but Cuts Coming

US inflation came in at the high end of expectations last week, as core inflation rose 0.31% MoM, against expectations of around 0.25%. Contributions came from both core goods and services, while shelter importantly slowed to 0.2%. Energy prices fell -1.9% MoM, dragging the CPI headline YoY figure down to 2.4%, while core was 3.3% YoY. Jobless claims spiked to 258k, against expectations for 230k, following strikes and poor weather. The market initially assigned more importance to the weaker labour market print, but then added term-premium to the longer-end of the curve. Pricing stands at just under 50bp of cuts by December.

US Elections – Trump comeback

Betting odds for Donald Trump to win the presidency have improved by 4%-points over the past week, who now leads 53/49 according to Polymarket. The RCP polling average still sees Harris in front at 49/47, but Trump also gained 0.4% over the past week here. The odds of a Republican sweep, whereby the Republicans control both the House and the Senate, have risen to 40%. In our view this would likely be the most impactful scenario for markets, as Republicans will have more power to determine policies like tax cuts, immigration and spending. Accordingly, markets will likely refocus on “Trump-Trades” like stronger USD vs. Tariff-targets like China/Eurozone, and steeper US interest-rate curves.

China – No boost just yet

On Saturday, the Chinese Ministry of Finance announced support for local governments, the property market and major banks, and hinted at a higher government debt ceiling to allow for fiscal stimulus in the future. It fell short however of measures for the consumer, and announcing a specific stimulus package amount, disappointing investors who were eagerly expecting circa 2trn RMB. Focus now shifts to the NPC Standing Committee later in October, which has the capacity to greenlight material fiscal stimulus, to complement the previously announced monetary easing.

Algebris Investments’ Global Credit Team

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