Net Zero AUM Commitment

Algebris Investments became a signatory to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM) in 2021. As part of this commitment, we set an initial target of 57% of total AUM (79% of AUM excluding discretionary mandates) to be managed in line with attaining net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner. This target will be reviewed at least every 5 years with a view to reach 100%.

To read Algebris Net Zero AUM Commitment full document, please click here.

Algebris Climate Report 2023

To access the 2023 climate report, please click here.


Algebris is committed to proactively engaging with regulators and other relevant bodies on a range of matters that are important to the firm, investors and to the ESG cause.

Some examples of this proactive approach can be found below.

We voiced early concerns regarding the ESG advisory contract awarded to Blackrock by the EC. This advisory contract was for Blackrock to devise a study on the integration of rules surrounding climate-related investments into banking regulation without sufficient consideration by the EC of the conflict of interest posed by this arrangement.


We addressed a letter to EU and Italian authorities sharing our concerns that the current unregulated nature of the ESG ratings industry may undermine the EU efforts at fostering transparency on the sustainability credentials of investment products, and may create a risk of green-washing, capital mis-allocation and product mis-selling.


Algebris is also supporting a number of international initiatives.

Algebris became a UNPRI signatory on 23 July 2019

Algebris became a TCFD supporter in October 2020

Algebris became a CDP Investor Signatory in October 2020

Algebris also supports the Say On Climate initiative and is a signatory of the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative.
Algebris also signed The 2021 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis.

Voting and engagement report

To access Algebris 2024 Voting & Engagement Report click here
To access Algebris 2023 Voting & Engagement Report click here
To access Algebris 2022 Voting & Engagement Report click here
To access Algebris 2021 Voting & Engagement Report click here

To access the 2023 Full voting record click here
To access the 2022 Full voting record click here

Policies and disclosures

With a dedicated ESG team across 5 functions, Algebris fully embraces the growing importance of assessing and engaging on ESG and sustainability in its investment processes and wider activities.

ESG and Responsible Investment Policy

This policy outlines Algebris’ approach to Responsible Investment across our strategies, as well as the integration of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) factors within the Firm’s ethos, culture, business operations, and corporate social responsibility.

To read the Algebris ESG and Responsible Investment Policy full document, please click here.

Fossil Fuels Investment Policy

To read the Algebris Investments Fossil Fuels Investment Policy, please click here.

Voting Policy

Algebris encourages good governance and sustainable corporate practices, which contribute to long-term value creation for our investors.

Therefore, we have set out our Voting Policy with respect to the exercise of voting rights attaching to investments made by Algebris on behalf of its clients and the funds which it manages. Such written principles and procedures have been designed to ensure that voting is carried out in the best interest of clients and investors as a whole.

To read the Algebris Voting Policy full document, please click here.

ESG Exclusion Policies

To read the Algebris ESG Exclusion Policies full document, please click here.
To access the Exclusion lists for Article 8 Net Zero aligned funds, please click here.
To access the Exclusion lists for Article 9 Net Zero aligned funds, please click here.
To access the Exclusion lists for other funds, please click here.

SFDR Disclosures

Remuneration Policy
Policy on the Integration of Sustainability Risks

No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

Principal Adverse Impact Statement Explanation of Non-Compliance – Algebris Investments