Market Views

GLOBAL CREDIT BULLETS | Monday, 23rd November 2020

Virus – Europe vs the US.
Covid cases in the US have been accelerating at an alarming pace, with the 7-day moving average in new cases rising above 160k a day. More worryingly, the percentage of GDP affected by serious Covid situations is also growing. According to our research, c.35% of US GDP is affected by a ‘critical’ (or red) Covid situation, up from 10% at the start of the month. Further, 19% of GDP is in the ‘orange’ territory, up from 15% at the start of November. On a more positive note, Europe’s widespread lockdown measures have demonstrated to be useful in curbing the accelerating pace of new cases, with 7-day moving averages falling around the region’s worst-hit countries. If the US were to impose stricter and broader lockdowns, they will likely have an impact after a few weeks, therefore we view Europe as being a leading indicator here until a vaccine is widely available.

Central Banks – More Stimulus, please.
ECB and Fed officials have been hinting towards continued easing into the December meetings. Our view into the last ECB meeting of the year remains a likely ‘recalibration’ to stimulus as a €400-500bn increase in PEPP purchases, an expansion of the TLTRO program, and potentially a broadening of eligible assets for purchases (e.g. “fallen angels”). This was reinforced by Christine Lagarde’s comments last week on the ECB’s unchanged plan to add to monetary stimulus. Further, we also expect the Fed to reassess its monetary stimulus in the December meeting, with a potential extension to their large-scale asset purchase program into 2021. As global central banks provide an anchor, carry trades remain supported, as rates fail to widen even despite the recent equity rally. Credit is thus likely to remain broadly supported into early 2021.

Markets – Trading the recovery.
Reflation and reopening sectors, including energy, financials, retail and travel, have continued to do well in the past week. The EuroStoxx50, an example for value-equity, has increased +8% since November 6th, although remaining down 4% YTD. In credit, EM local currency debt, EUR high-yield corporate credit and Additional Tier 1 financial debt have performed best with ca. +1.5%, while US credit has lagged. Although we see less upside in indices and benchmarks, we continue to see entry opportunities in unloved cyclical sectors including energy and travel. In particular, we continue to increase our allocation to convertible debt, offering equity upside while providing a floor at a positive yield.

To read more on our latest views, please see our Silver Bullet | The Anti-Bubble Portfolio or visit our Insights section.

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