Algebris Financial Credit Fund winning the German/Austrian Fund Awards 2020

14 July 2020

We are pleased to announce that the Algebris Financial Credit Fund has been awarded the German Fund Award 2020 (Deutscher Fondspreis 2020) and the Austrian Fund Award 2020 (Österreichischer Fondspreis 2020) by the German and Austrian funds magazine “Fonds Professionell”. As only one of three funds, the Algebris Financial Credit Fund has emerged as “Outstanding”/”Herausragend” in the category Global Fixed Income. Within the category, 7118 funds had competed for the German award and 6568 funds for the Austrian award.

“This is the first time for us to receive these awards and we are extremely proud of them. This acknowledges the entire fund’s team for its outstanding performance and confirms that the investment strategy we have been pursuing with the Algebris Financial Credit Fund is proving itself over the long term”, commented Sebastiano Pirro, Portfolio Manager of the Algebris Financial Credit Fund.

The awards are only awarded to funds that have achieved positive results over an observation period of five years (cut-off date: 31 October 2019). In this year’s edition, 36 investment funds from 32 companies in a total of twelve categories have been rewarded for their investment results.

For the calculation, all considered funds are first ranked according to their return and risk data. Afterwards, the renowned, Munich-based Institut für Vermögensaufbau (IVA) selects the best three funds in each category. The institute evaluates active management performance on the basis of a specially developed portfolio and risk analysis.

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