Algebris Financial Income Fund

The Algebris Financial Income Fund aims to maximize current income and generate superior risk-adjusted returns by investing in high dividend-yielding financial stocks and bonds.

The Fund invests in the global financial sector, primarily in equity securities – including ordinary shares or common stock American depository receipts, global depositary receipts and preference shares – fixed and variable rate debt securities, which may be investment grade or below investment grade, or unrated. Algebris Financial Income Fund may invest in senior and subordinated debt and hybrid securities (including Tier 1, Upper and Lower Tier 2).

The Fund’s portfolio is typically balanced between stocks and bonds, but on a flexible basis and in line with the Fund’s objective. Portfolio balance may at times be shifted to reflect an investment opportunity.

The Fund’s currency exposure is systematically hedged vis-à-vis the base currency of the Fund (Euro).

The Fund can be classified and treated as a non-complex financial instrument within the meaning of MiFID II.

Produced by MSCI ESG Research as of February 6th 2024

Please read the full disclaimer here


Sustainability Report September 2024

Previous Reports
June 2024

Fund Terms

  • Inception date: 13th August 2013
  • Domicile: Ireland
  • Liquidity: Daily
  • Base currency: Euro
  • Risk profile (SRRI): 6
  • SFDR Classification: Art. 8
Note: The synthetic risk and reward indicator (SRRI) is based on historical data and may not be a reliable indication for the future. It is calculated using the volatility of the Fund’s weekly performance over a five-year period. A score of 6 means the Fund's historic volatility is between 15% - 25%

Class Terms

  • Management fee: p.a.
  • Incentive fee:
  • Minimum investment: €
  • BBG ticker:
  • ISIN:
  • Status:

Read the Factsheet

Read the commentary

Figures are based on net returns including admin, management and incentive fees and including ADL (Anti-Dilution Levy) where applicable. Further information is contained in the Prospectus. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Source: BNP Paribas Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited.